I first met Haley through her mom. Mary was an aerobics instructor at the gym I joined when we moved to the Northwest and Haley would sometimes be "in tow". The next summer, we found that we both knew the godmother to Mary's children ... through baseball, of all things. Baseball brings people together.
I've shared Christmas parties and even vacations to Chelan with Haley! And she's always sweet, kind, and thoughtful.
You might could call her a "ray of sunshine"?
This ... may just be my favorite photo of her ... I love it, plain and simple.
Wouldn't you just die for "tresses" like those?! (Mary, don't you think she favors Lia so much in this profile shot?)
Haley, you are not only beautiful, but you are very fun to be around ... even if you have to (well, you know ... )
Wait, I changed my mind ... THIS is my favorite!
Your eyes just pop!
But then, there's this one ... I think it's probably not really fair for someone to have eyes like yours while the rest of us have eyes like ours. :/
Oh Haley ... I can't believe I've known you for more than 11 years. It's been a joy watching you grow up. I sure hope your senior year is all that you want it to be and that you graduate with much hope for your tomorrows.